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Consistency and Skill- Key to win Indian Rummy

  • Published Date June 10, 2020
  • By Admin

                                                                        Consistency and skill - Key to win Indian rummy

You must have heard about the famous saying “Consistency is the key to success”. Have you ever thought of how people achieve their goals? It is not that they have some magic wand in their hand. Instead, it is their hard work that leads them to success. By the term consistency, we mean that you must strive to be consistent in your goal. It cannot be like an on/off deal like the last diet you tried out. You must commit yourself to reach the goal. Every single day you should primarily focus on accomplishing your aim.

Let’s take an instance of Indian Rummy game- the most popular and favorite pastime for the  Rummy enthusiast. With the easy availability of the game on the online platforms, you can play unlimited games in order to become a proficient player. Yet, there are some players who hesitate to play. This is due to a lack of skills and consistency that results in losing their confidence. Here are some of the questions that Rummy players often ask.

Why is it essential to play a Rummy game consistently?

“Try, try, and try until you succeed”. This same goes for the game of Rummy too. If you want to become an expert Rummy player and want to top up your pockets, consistency is the only way to do that. The more you play, the better you become, and the more are your chances to win.  

How to win money by playing Rummy?

If you want to win fantastic cash prizes by playing Rummy, it is vital to be a consistent player. Although, rummy basic strategy and skills is crucial in the game, but playing the game regularly matters a lot. If you are an ardent player and want to win big money, play frequently. Choose a website and start playing practice games. Practice enough until you feel assured about the game. Once you are aware of the online rummy strategy and understand the ins and outs of the game, switch to play cash games.

How to be a consistent player in Rummy?


There is no use of knowledge until it is put to use. In the same way, knowing Rummy rules, tips and tricks, and techniques are of no use unless you practice the game. Practice the game regularly and keep the tracks of the mistakes that you usually make. Work on your flaws, and soon you will become a Rummy pro. Also, training yourself before heading to play cash games will help to work on emotions like anger, frustration, and anxiety. Regularly practicing your game not only boost your confidence but helps you to perform better in crucial situations too.

Play free Rummy tournament: 

You can play online rummy tourneys that too without paying anything. All you have to do is log in and join the tournament. Although the rewards are comparatively less in this tourneys, the investment is ZERO! An excellent way to win money. Playing and winning in the knockout tourney will increase your confidence level and you can gradually then move to play in high stakes tourneys.

Now you know that consistency matters the most in the game of Rummy, why don’t you start practicing with one of India’s most high-ranking online gaming websites- Gamentio? You can play and practice in Rummy classroom for unlimited hours until you become confident about the game. Once you become an expert, then head over to a real casino to play real money. Why waiting more? Install the free Gamentio app. It is one of the best rummy sites in India and start playing without any hassle.  

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