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Experiences that Give You the Same Thrill as Playing Online Rummy

  • Published Date May 23, 2020
  • By Admin


Playing Rummy games are exciting, fun, and challenging. What makes Rummy so famous is the fact that it is a thrilling skill-based game that is easy to learn and play. The best part of the game is that it needs nothing except a deck of cards and a few players. The sense of reward, thrill, and excitement- all these experiences that you feel while playing online Rummy can be found in some other activities too. Can you think of such experiences? Read on to know how these activities or games are similar to Rummy experience.

Watching an Action movie: 

Have you ever felt your heart pounding when watching a fast-paced car chase scene in a movie? Do you root for the hero when he tries to defend himself from the villain’s army? Well, online Rummy card game also gives you the same experience and thrill as you feel in action movies. When you play with different players across the globe, you feel the same adrenaline rush or when you are close to winning. So, next time when you are bored or want to relax instead of watching the same movies log in to Gamentiofor some action-packed entertainment. 


Travelling is always thrilling, from planning to exploring new places. We pick places of our choice, book the tickets, and spend the days in excitement waiting for it. Similarly, in the game of Rummy, you plan things out and wait for the result in racing anticipation. The emotions you experience while playing Rummy is somewhat close to those when you feel before and while you are on your trip. There is also a common social feature between the two. An obvious advantage of travelling is that you often find new like-minded people, similarly online Rummy websites provide you with the same opportunity in the digital world.


For many games, skills are indispensable, and cricket is no exception. From a good shot to a missed catch to a bad LPW decision, these things can make a game or ruin it. When players are on the field, they must use their strategies and quick decisions to either take a wicket or score runs. Like cricket, Rummy also requires strategies, fast decisions, and focus on your opponents move. The cards they pick or discard. They should concentrate on every move of their opponents. Just as cricket is a game of presence of mind and concentration, Rummy also depends on the player’s presence of mind. 

Playing Sudoku or Crossword game: 

Sometimes, when playing a skill-based game like Sudoku or crossword, we get stuck on a certain move. We try to do everything to come up with a solution by applying the strategies, permutation and combinations, but still, we are not able to come up with a solution. Suddenly then a solution strikes, and we feel happy and excited. The similar experience is felt by playing Indian Rummy. When you meld all your cards into valid sets and sequence before your opponents, you feel the sudden thrill of finally solving a challenge. So, to win a game in Rummy is pretty much the same to what happens in Sudoku or crossword.  

These are some of the activities that are likely to infuse some exciting moments in your life. If you are a Rummy fan, play online Rummy without registration on Gamentio. Also, there are many benefits of playing Rummy like other exciting activities such as improvement in hand-eye coordination, increases confidence, improves concentration, releases stress, enhances memory and cognitive skills, and many others. So, apart from fun, enjoy these additional benefits too.  

You can even play the web version of the game. All you have to do is register yourself and start playing. Easy isn’t it? No installation, no registration fees and enjoy the hassle-free gaming experience.



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