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Eliminate Your Fear And Pick Up Rummy Today

  • Published Date April 23, 2018
  • By Admin

Card games usually have a bad reputation, people assume that a card game will involve some sort of gambling. This is not the case with the Rummy card game. It is a family-friendly game that anyone can enjoy.

Rummy is a game where each player tries to improve the hand they received. Each player takes a turn and one by one change cards or draws them from a pile. It is easy to understand and play.


Each play must improve the hands they received from the dealer. They will go by turns and each one of them will decide what to do with their cards. The number of cards they receive will depend on the number of players.

There are two types of combinations possible in the Rummy card game:

Runs: It is a sequence of cards of the same suit. The runs consist of three or more cards.

Sets: These are groups of three or four similar cards. For example, if a player has three Kings, they have a set.

In order to win, the player must have their cards organized in runs or sets. They must discard any cards that does not go with the rest in order to win.

How To Play Rummy

The rummy card game is easy to play once you understand the rules. 2 to 6 players can join in the fun. The players must follow some steps to start the game:


A designated dealer will give each player a number of cards based on the number of players. 2 players will have 10 cards. 3 or 4 players will receive 7 cards. 5 or more players will receive 6 cards.


The remaining cards will be divided between the deck and one card that will become the discard pile.


The first turn will go to the player to the left of the dealer. Each player has the same actions available at every turn. They can pick up a card from the deck or the discard pile.


Once they have finalized their cards for that turn, they must then discard one themselves and the next player will take their turn.

The turns will keep happening until one player manages to organize their cards into runs and sets. If they run out of cards in the deck, they can simply reshuffle the discarded pile. The winner will add up the values from the other players’ card. This is the number of points they receive as a reward.

The Rummy card game is a great activity for a friendly game night. Players can enjoy multiple rounds, the score will determine the final winner. Lose that fear and give Rummy a chance. It is entertaining to play Rummy. If you do not have a card deck at hand but still want to play Rummy, you could play online. Gambling may not be your cup of tea, for you, there are sites to enjoy the game for free. Soon Rummy will become your new obsession.

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