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What makes Online Rummy more entertaining than Videos

  • Published Date August 8, 2019
  • By Admin

What makes online rummy more entertaining than videos?

India recently saw increasing adoption of web or video series across the country. But even though the idea is new, OTT platforms are also producing content in regional languages, such as Tamil, Kannada, Telugu, etc., moving beyond just Hindi and English.

One has to follow a particular schedule to watch TV shows, which is difficult for youngsters to follow. Besides, youngsters want to see personalized content that they relish watching, on their own devices as per their own time and place. But, there are also some limitations of this medium which one cannot ignore. Let’s discuss them:


High-speed internet: 

There has been an explosive growth of internet users in the country. To watch an internet streaming, 4G is required. Although a 4G connection is available in almost every part of the country, there are some places where the connection is still weak. It’s impossible to watch HD videos in such areas.

Plenty of options:

Online streaming provides a variety of content to choose from. It is difficult for a user to decide a particular series with so much content available on the internet. Sometimes, they just end up by just scrolling the list available. It can be frustrating for viewers to figure out which show to watch. In such situations, they are often found shuffling between these shows and social media platforms. This is the time when online games come to the rescue. These games give unlimited fun and entertainment. One can enjoy these games without any interruption. One such example is online Rummy which has become  a very popular pastime and fun activity for many people in India. As there are many variants in rummy, one of the popular rummy games is Indian rummy.


It’s been over a decade that most of us have moved to online gaming platforms. The card games which we used to play during our childhood are now available on the internet. You just need an Internet connection to play Rummy anytime, anywhere. Let’s discuss why you would prefer to virtual rummy than playing a video series:

Internet connectivity: 

A player can play rummy even though they don’t have a 4G connection. If you are having a 3G connection, you can still enjoy the game without any interruption. Rummy does not depend on fast internet connectivity as compared to video streaming. So, you can enjoy this game even if you are on a vacation in any remote destination.

Less amount of data: 

When playing online rummy, you don’t have to worry about the data. It consumes much lesser data compared to streaming internet video, depending upon the resolution you choose to watch. So, you can have a fun session of rummy without compromising on your data.

Endless fun: 

As rummy is a community game, you will find thousands of players playing at one or several tables. On the other hand, you might be watching a web series alone. The best part is that every time you will meet new players and will get a chance to interact with multiple people. Make unlimited friends with the chat facility available on every platform, which is not possible with watching a web series.

Amazing prizes and tournaments: 

Watching a web series will give you only entertainment. Playing rummy will not only kill your boredom but also give you a chance to win exciting prizes. A platform like Gamentio conducts various types of rummy tourneys on different days of the week. If you are a beginner player, join and play freeroll tournaments and win prizes without paying any entry fee.

The next time whenever you are free play online Rummy. Simply jump onto the tables, as some real fun is waiting for you.

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