Rummy is the most popular game of the Indian Subcontinent. While many people have grown up learning the tactics involved in the game, other people, like me, still struggle to fit in the Rummy players community. Those who struggle to understand the rules and the tactics used in the game may now rely upon Gamentio Classrooms completely.
Rummy is a game of immense skill. In the absence of the right one, you may lag behind fellow players and eventually end up losing the game. The right set of skills and the right kind of attitude will sail you through this fairly unpredictable game. You need to be extremely attentive, follow a perfect strategy and yet be flexible enough to change your tactics whenever something unpredictable occurs in the game.
Players can easily learn all the intelligent tactics and rules to be followed in the game on Gamentio Classrooms through tutorials and customised demo game setups. Let’s explore how.
Game Objective Carousels: The game objective carousels introduce a player to the basics of the game. The players learn the objective, rules and the technical terms related to the game here. The tutorial for each game can be accessed by selecting a particular game of your choice.
Work out in the Demo Game: A customised room is setup where a player can learn the game with an actively participating AI of the game. The player is guided and given hints at every step, every hand, and every round. The complete information about each round is given to the player so that he never feels handicapped and out of options at any stage in the game.
Live rooms: Once the player has practiced enough in the demo game, he may move on to play the game in a real environment. Just learning the skills by practising is not enough, you need to apply those with real people in the end to test your capabilities. On Gamentio, you can play the card games of your choice with players from across the world.
Social Interaction: Since you will be playing in live rooms, it will give you a good exposure and an opportunity to interact with new people as well. You can make new friends and learn some useful; tactics from them too.
Since there are no real-money games on Gamentio, it’s a treat for beginner players as they can play & practice live games without even losing their hard earned money.
There is also an additional reward scheme open for its Indian players. They can redeem their game points against Amazon Gift Cards and MyGyftr Recharge Vouchers. Well, not a bad deal I would say.
Basically you have to pay nothing to learn your favourite card games, play with the international players and get goodies in return as well! Gamentio Classrooms are definitely worth a checkout for all the card game lovers out there.
I want to learn Rummy