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How to Top Up Your Pockets by Playing Online Rummy

  • Published Date December 26, 2018
  • By Admin

Everybody loves a game of Rummy now and then, don’t they? In the past, because of the popularity of Poker, finding a game of Rummy was difficult. Now, thanks to online rummy, we can play this wonderful challenging game anytime, anywhere. The good thing about deciding to play rummy card game scenarios, is the fact that you could potentially top up your pockets and win some decent money. Best of all is the fact that you wouldn’t even need to leave your home. If you want to play a rummy card game and win however, you need to know how to play and how to win. To help you maximize your chances of winning when playing rummy online, we’re now going to share a series of tips with you. Here’s a look at how to top up your pockets by playing online rummy.

1  Value the joker – The joker, if you’ll pardon the pun, is a funny old card. In some games it’s worth big points, in others it’s worth small points, and in some it’s discarded altogether. In rummy however, you should utilize the joker to your advantage, as it will help you to win big. When you play rummy online, you can utilize the joker as a wild card to form a sequence and to lower points. If the opposition happens to declare the game before you do. You can also use them after you form a pure sequence.

2 Get rid of high value cards – Another great strategy to help you win when playing rummy online is to get rid of high value cards. Get rid of them as soon as you can. A lot of players will hoard high value cards such as kings, queens, jacks, and aces, in the hopes of forming a pure sequence for themselves. This however, is a very risky strategy as it can result in you potentially being lumbered with even more points. If your opponent happens to declare before you do, this means that you may end up losing with more points. Therefore, discard high value cards as soon as possible.

3 Don’t socialize while playing – Thanks to the wonders of modern technology, many online rummy websites have chat features, where you can chat with other players. If you’re playing for fun, this is fine as you’ve nothing to lose. If money is at stake however, you need to have your game face on and you need to be focussed. It is better to disable the chat feature when you play real money games to avoid distractions. Not only that, but other players looking to win big have been known to use the chat feature to attempt to distract their opponents, or learn more about them, so as to increase their chances of winning. The best advice here is to save the chit-chat until after the game.

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