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Yes or No to Rummy Online?

  • Published Date August 23, 2017
  • By ridhima arora

In the last couple of years we’ve seen card games break into the online game scene with a big bang. Most millennials have probably only played rummy online and the older generations have only played it physically. The point of debate is, what sets rummy online apart from playing the game physically ? So let’s break it down and see for ourselves

Pros of Rummy Online-
1. Play Rummy on the Go: Play the game on your mobile phone, laptop or tablet, anytime anywhere. You can play on a website or download an application. All you need is an internet connection and you’re good to go.
2. Multiplayer and single player options: Rummy online offers single player as well as multiplayer versions. So you get to play with people of different proficiency levels starting from, beginners to professionals. You don’t need to wait for anyone, you can play with anyone, anytime.
3. Facilitates social networking: It’s very important for games to have a social aspect to them otherwise they become irrelevant and boring over a period of time. A lot of rummy card games give you the option to interact with other players while playing via Chat. You get to express yourself and create a profile which other players identify with.   
4. Easy to play: The process of playing rummy online is extremely easy. Everything from sorting cards, distributing cards, shuffling, discarding cards etc. happens on a click. Chances of cheating are zero because the softwares of online rummy are state of the art and certified. 
5. Great stress buster: Since rummy online is so readily accessible you can squeeze in a quick game at anytime during the day. Rummy is also one of the card games that involves a great deal of skill rather than just being a luck based game. Studies have shown that such games have long term benefits in strengthening the brain and enhancing memory.
6. Learn and Master the game in no time: If you’re new to the game, rummy online is the best way to learn and master the game (I can’t stress on this enough). There are numerous tutorials available online that can help you learn the game quickly by removing all your doubts. In reality no one tells you the tips and tricks they use to get an advantage in the game however if you learn rummy online you can get to know even the most minute details. Best part is that there’s no one who is going to judge you or get frustrated with you while you learn. 
The only downside to playing card  games online is that you might get hooked as they are addictive. Personally, I don’t think there’s anything wrong in playing a lot of it (I play a LOT!!!) as long as you can balance everything else. However, I do have a few words of caution:
1). Make sure that you’re playing on a safe platform. Don’t let a few moments of harmless fun become a cause of concern. 
2). Don’t start playing with money unless you’re absolutely confident in your level of skill and you believe you can spend money comfortably on it. 
Having said that, playing card games is now a full time career for a lot of people while other pursue it like a serious passion and make good money from it. If you’re a card game enthusiast you can surely turn your favourite game of Rummy into serious business. So my answer to rummy online is a big YES !!! What do you guys think ? Let me know in the comments below.


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Online Rummy brings to you the digital version of the traditional 13 cards & 21 cards Indian rummy that can be played with ease on your desktops, laptops, tablets and mobiles.
Posted on 05/09/17 11:09.
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