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Online Rummy: explained in 200 words

  • Published Date November 23, 2019
  • By Admin

Playing online Rummy is fun. You can play this game from the comfort of your home, when sitting idle in the office, or while travelling. The primary goal of playing online Rummy is to get rid of all the cards that are of no use to create melds. Melds can either be runs of three or more cards of the same suit in a sequence, or sets of three or more cards of the same rank.

Each player will draw and discard a card during their turn until one player melds their cards into valid sets or sequences. They can either pick a card from the closed deck or the open deck. To win an online Rummy card game, you need to set your priorities first, i.e., you should first focus on making a pure sequence, then second sequence, and then look for other cards to make sets or sequences.

You can learn the game by watching a Rummy tutorial on Gamentio and practicing at the practice table. Once you learn the basic rules of the game, just pick a table and start playing with other players from all over the country and experience the thrill and fun of playing your favorite card game.

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